Hi, my name is Adeshola Adewale
I'm a Full-Stack Developer.

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Hotel Reservation

The Hotel Reservation webpage is a beach resort template. Rooms can be filtered base on the categories which depend on the type, price, and size.

Built with - React, React Context API, Contentful API

See Live Source Code

Health Tracker

This is a Health Tracker App, built with React and Rails, that allows authenticated users to measure their weight, cholestrol level and also track the measurements.

Built with - React, Redux, Ruby on Rails, Material UI

See Live Source Code

Football Video Highlights

The Football Highlights webpage consists of football video highlights which are gotten from the Free Video Football API, and are retrieved through the redux store. Each football highlight is grouped by category, according to the football leagues

Built with - React, Redux, Material UI

See Live Source Code

Music Blog

Muzicx is a music blog app built with Ruby on Rails where you get to write articles on the music genres Pop, Hip-Hop, Afro-music, and RnB.

Built with - Bootstrap, Ruby on Rails

See Live Source Code

Adventurer 2D RPG Game

This is an adventure RPG game built with Javascript and Phaser 3 where the warrior is randomly at different levels of the tilemap at the start of each game. The warrior must kill the monsters and get the treasure box to get more gold.

Built with - Phaser 3, Javascript

See Live Source Code

About me

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I am a Full-Stack Developer with experience in building web applications using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, Ruby on Rails, Database, React and Redux.

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